Academic & Credential Records Evaluation & Verification Service
An ISO 9001:2000 certified company
ISO 9001:2000
Certified Company
Foreign Education Evaluation
How do you use the education and work experience done in a foreign country to your advantage in the United States? This is where we come in to help you.
Education systems around the world are different. The challenge has always been to determine what a degree in one country is equivalent to in another country.
There are many instances when you are required to provide proof that your education in a foreign country is equivalent to a degree obtained from an accredited United States University. Some examples when this is necessary are:
- Colleges and Universities admission
- State board of professional licensing (e.g. CPA, Architectural, etc.)
- Teacher Credentialing
- Employment (job) - both government and private
- U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
While evaluation is not a perfect science, it takes experience to accurately determine the equivalency based on certain education policies established by educators, councils and institutes. Our evaluation team has the experience to help you. |
We strive to ensure that you get FULL credit for all your hard work. We also strive to ensure that the evaluation is done in a FAIR and honest manner so that the institute/board/company accepting your evaluation gives it due recognition.
We have native language speakers and subject matter experts from around the globe. We provide fast, attentive service throughout the evaluation process. |
The same evaluation can be used for more than one purpose.
As an example: the same evaluation can be used for Higher Studies, Teacher Credentialing and Employment/ Job. |